Generally seeking, for one to answer this question of How much does it cost to build a 4 bedroom house in Vihiga , you need to understand the location where the apartment will be situated and classify it. In real estate, areas or locations are classified as high income earners, middle income earners and low income areas earners. Every city, town or county will have areas occupied by high income earners, middle income earners and low income earners. For example, in Nairobi, high income earners areas include hurlingham, Kileleshwa, etc while Kisumu you can talk of Milimani. Middle income earners in Nairobi will include Umoja, Kitengela, Ngong, Kikuyu, etc while in Kisumu, you can talk of Polyview, Tom Mboya, Vihiga re, Lolwe, etc. Low income earners in Nairobi will include Kayole, Ruai or for Kisumu you will talk of Manyatta. So you need to identify your area well to understand what type of people will occupy your apartment and their expectation. Secondly, to address the qu...