Four Reasons why you need Property Management Kakamega Company in 2021

 One debate which may possibly continue for many years is whether to self manage or to get a property management company to better manage your property. One group of people think is better to self managing while others opt for a management company. In this article, we want to show you reasons why more than ever before you require a property manager in Kakamega to manage your property in 2021 going forward.

To manage High vacancies

Why would you look for a property management in Kakamega for 2021? Possibly one of the negative effects of COVID-19 is job loss and shrinking income. Many families saw their income reducing drastically whilst some saw job loss. Many people lost jobs in 2020 compared to any other years in the recent past.

Again there really was no job creation as the economy grew in the negative. Companies temporarily shut their operations while some completely terminated their operations. There are places where school premises were turned into rental properties meaning the teaching and assistance staff lost their jobs.

The resulting effects of these job losses and reduced income is high vacancies. Many people found it difficult to manage paying the rent which they were paying before COVID-19 came. Many people shifted to smaller and cheaper units, some relocated their families their rural homes others opted for shared accommodation. This pushed the extent of vacancies to unpredicted high level. As a property management in Kakamega Company, we have seen houses fall vacant and you have no control.

Most property management Kakamega firms also faced challenges because a good number of clients panicked and took back their properties to self manage and minimize expenditure. With the move outs witnessed during this corona virus period, many property owners end up with high vacancies without remedy.

As real estate management Kakamega Company having understood the high vacancy in the market will go out and network, bring tenants aiding feels the vacancies. You are likely to end up more tenants than most other property owners self managing their properties.




Perhaps among the positive things with property Management Company is their ability to do marketing. Whenever they have vacancies, they're able to go out and market the property. This is likely to bring in tenancy relatively faster than if the property owner himself was managing the property. You got to place your property in front of more audience that offers you with get more attention.

Efficient Rent Collection

Property management companies contain the ability to collect rent efficiently immediately. Property management Kakamega firms will thoroughly follow with the tenants and ensure that they pay right away.

Management of Repairs and Maintenance

Properties managed by owners tend to have tenants damaging properties and leaving for the owner to repair. Some tenants even move out of the house leaving arrears and damages for the property owner. In a situation in which there is a management company, the management company would occasionally inspect the property and instruct the tenant to conduct repairs. In most cases, the tenant also will not be allowed to vacate the property without sufficiently conducting the repairs.

In essence, with a property management company, you are likely to incur less on repairs and maintenance as some will be covered by the tenants themselves.

As I draw closer to the end of this article, I want to review some critical questions with you as a property owner.

Do you currently own a rental property? Have you having some vacancies that have lasted more than two months? Are you having some rents that are causing trouble with paying rents? Do you have time to follow your tenants daily? You need to consider finding a property manager for your investment.

West Kenya Real Estate Ltd is one of the leading property management and valuation companies in Kenya. West Kenya Real Estate Ltd is headquartered in Kakamega but managing properties in the entire republic of Kenya. We offer professional management services across the republic of Kenya. Do you have any management needs, talk to us today. Can call us on 0205211454, 0789217685 or email us on


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