How Much Does It Cost To Build a 5 Bedroom House in Kakamega?

 Today is another chance to address in this article a common question I see in variety of blogs, how much does it cost to build a 5 bedroom house in Kakamega? One thing which crosses my mind is what the writer of the question as well as other audience expect. Do you expect an express answer like 4M or 7M or would you wish for more explanation of this familiar.
Before I answer this question of how much does it cost to build a 5 bedroom house in Kakamega, you need to process with me these questions?

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Where Do I want to build this house?
Which materials do I want make use of? Stones, bricks, machine cut stones, blocks, etc
Where do I want to source these materials from? Narok, Thika, Kendu bay, Kajiado, Athi River, etc.
What style of your house do I want? Bungalow or Maisonette?
What extensions do I want to add to my house? Do I want front or back porch? Do want to have a balcony or several balconies?
Do I want to have a garage or not?
Do I want to have stairs or escalator?
What type of finishing do I want?
What materials will I use for plumbing areas?
What types of electrical do I want for my house?
Do I want to install gypsum or not?
Which quality of paint do I want to use?
Will I mix paints or one color?
Who will be my contractor?
Is my contractor flexible and cost friendly?
Is there evidence of his good work ethics?
These are some of the questions which you need to absorb before we answer the question how much does it cost to build a 5 bedroom house in Kakamega or perhaps even how much does it cost to build a 4 bedroom house in Kakamega.
Generally, there is no standard cost of doing a house, whether 4 bedroom or 5 bedroom house in Kakamega or anywhere. I have seen people building a 5 bedroom house at Ksh.3M but have also seen people building a 5 bedroom house at a cost of Ksh17M. So why is there a huge variance?
The cost of a house is dependent on the following;
Location- The far the house from the source of construction materials the more consistently costly it becomes to build.

Styles of the house- The design of a house will lead to more or less material requirements. Since the labour cost is a percentage of the materials, it thus reduces or boosts the cost depending on materials chosen.

Sizes of rooms- The smaller the rooms, the lesser the cost of construction. The larger the rooms, the more costly the house becomes.

Materials chosen- If you decide cheap materials or averagely priced materials, the cost of the construction will not be too high. If you use expensive materials, you will incur a lot in your project.

Type of finishing – The kind of finishing will increase the cost or reduce it. The more expensive finishing picked, the more costly it becomes.At the end of the day, it boils down to these five points. You need to assess what you want and what you have then you can be assisted on what your budget can achieve. Talk to us today for your house building need and let’s see how we assist you with your budget


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