How much does it cost to build a 3 bedroom house in Migori? 10 determinants to look out for.


When thinking of researching on this question of how much does it cost to build a 3 bedroom house in Migori, you need to have a clear picture of what it takes to build a house. Many people focus of the direct answer of Ksh.2M or Ksh.900,000 but with little or no understanding of what it takes to have a house.

Building a house involve several decisions which as a construction company in Migori, we must enlighten you so that you can broadly think of your house. Having a broader review of your project will help you answer or understand any answer you get for the question how much does it cost to build a 3 bedroom house in Migori.

To break help digest this question, I have developed a 10 points which I call 10 determinants to answer the question how much does it cost to build a 3 bedroom house in Migori. By having a deeper look, you will then understand why your house will cost less or more.

1.      Foundation

It’s said that foundation of a house takes up to 15% of the construction project. As a construction company in Migori, we have witnessed this statistical reality. In fact, sometimes it goes beyond the 15% depending on the nature of the soil. Some of the common materials needed for foundation include soft aggregate (sand), hard aggregate (ballast), cement and murram.

Depending on the soil, you can use metal bars like D-10, D-8 as well as foundation stones. These materials will drive down or up the foundation money. This is why a foundation of a 120square metres three bedroom house can cost Ksh.250,000 in one place while in another location, the same size house will cost Ksh450,000.

2.      Walling including ring beams

What you choose for your walls and the total length of your walls will drive the walling costs up or down. I have seen a three bedroom house design which effectively is a six bedroom house due to additional rooms like pantry, store, laundry, dressing, TV room, etc. The higher the rooms the higher the cost of walling.

3.      Roofing

There are several roofing styles out there which you can pick for your house. Each style requires certain materials and roofing sheets. The design and sheets you choose will determine how much goes into your roofing.


4.      Doors and windows

The number of rooms in a house determines the number of doors and windows as well as their sizes. The doors and windows you choose coupled with the number in your house will drive the cost. When thinking of a house, you can even think through the number of rooms and doors as well as windows which will be there.

5.      Plumbing and sanitary installation

There is nothing much here though its cost will increase depending on how many water closets are in a house as well as the connecting waste channel. If the waste channel is far or a connection is done to a septic tank, those will drive the cost around this area.

6.      Electrical installation

The electrical materials used in installation will drive the costs up or down. If you want to use a special lighting system, it has to be provided for during the electrical piping and installation. You may end up spending less or a lot of many here.

7.      Brandering & ceiling installation

The type of ceiling coverage you pick on will influence the materials cost and so drive the cost up or down. If you intend to install gypsum or just normal ceiling board, that decision should be communicated so that the amount given is reflective of what will actually be done to your house.

8.      Plastering

The plastering is a mandatory building stage for every house. What will bring savings or drive the cost of it are mainly the quality of workmanship and the materials used. If the workmanship during walling was good, the cost of plastering will be average but if the workmanship was poor, then plastering will do a lot of corrective procedures and that will drive up the cost.

9.      Tilling

The cost of tiling is driven by the chosen type of tile and the surface area of the house. A box of tiles can cost as high as Ksh3, 500 or as low as Ksh800. So whatever you choose for your house and the surface area will determine what you spend in that section of the house.

As you near the completion of your house, you can see that it’s not a straight answer to the question how much does it cost to build a 3 bedroom house in Migori. There are clients who because of not being able to comprehend the work in its entirety, ends up changing materials along the way moving the project cost up or down, which is very risky.

10.  Painting

Finally, once you have done everything you paint your house. What colors are you using? What which company?  Which class of paint are you opting for? The first class paints are good and expensive. As a construction company in Migori, we can guide you on your next house project as your builder or as your construction manager or consultant.

We are able to help you understand what you will spend in your housing project and how to minimize it to fit your budget and what that minimization translate into. Are you looking forward to starting a house building project anywhere in Migori? Talk to us today.



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